Navigating Your Career Crossroads: Moving Up vs. Moving Out

Making decisions about your career path can be pretty overwhelming, especially when you're facing the choice of whether to move up in your current job or move out of the organization altogether so you can explore a new opportunity elsewhere.

To help you navigate this head-spinning choice, I put together a list of questions that I encourage you to reflect on. Your answers should point you in a particular direction. But don’t worry — if you still are unclear, I’ll have more insights for you later in this post.

Career Path Reflection Questions

  1. Does your work bring you a sense of purpose and fulfillment?

  2. Are you able to utilize your strengths and skills effectively?

  3. Does your current role align with your long-term career aspirations?

  4. Are there opportunities for growth and advancement within your organization?

  5. Do you feel valued and respected by your colleagues and superiors?

  6. Is the work environment conducive to your personal and professional growth?

  7. Are you able to maintain a healthy balance between work and personal life?

  8. Does your job provide adequate financial security and benefits for your needs?

  9. Does your employer support your growth through training and education?

  10. Are you considering a change due to temporary dissatisfaction or deeper issues?

  11. What are the risks vs. rewards of leaving your current job?

Use these questions as a framework to evaluate your current career options and if possible, seek advice from mentors, peers, or a career counselor for additional insights. It’s amazing what an outside perspective can provide in these situations!

Signs It Might Be Time to Leave Your Job

Deciding whether or not to leave your current job is a huge decision that should be made carefully. But if you’ve already gone through the list of questions I provided above and you’re still not sure what to do, don’t worry. I got you, friend.

Below, I’ve compiled a list of “red flags” I’ve seen over the years working with my coaching clients. These things are easy to overlook in the day-to-day minutiae of the job but for me, they’re career deal-breakers:

1. There’s a Lack of Growth Opportunities

Do you feel stagnant in your current role, with no clear path for advancement? A lack of growth opportunities can lead to frustration and a sense of being stuck in your career.

2. There’s a Misalignment with Your Personal Values

When your values don't align with those of your organization, it can create a sense of conflict and discomfort. This misalignment can affect your motivation and job satisfaction.

3. You Feel Chronic Unhappiness or Stress

Feeling consistently unhappy or stressed at work can have a significant impact on your overall well-being. This chronic stress can lead to burnout and impact your performance.

4. You’re Experiencing Poor Work-Life Balance

Struggling to balance your work responsibilities with your personal life can lead to exhaustion. This imbalance can affect your health and relationships outside of work.

5. There’s a Lack of Recognition or Compensation

Not feeling appreciated or adequately compensated for your work can be demoralizing. This can lead to feelings of undervaluation and dissatisfaction with your job.

6. There’s a Toxic Work Environment

Witnessing or experiencing negative behavior in the workplace can create a hostile and unhealthy atmosphere that affects your overall well-being.

7. You’re Seeking a New Challenge

As your interests and goals evolve, you may want new challenges and opportunities for growth. This is a sign that it's time to explore other career options.

8. There’s Stagnation in the Organization

If the company is not progressing or lacks innovation, it can be unmotivating. And if they develop a poor reputation for this, it may reflect poorly on you as well.

If several of these “red flags” resonate with you, it might be time for you to move on. Ideally, your career journey should align with your goals, values, and aspirations. If this is not the case for you, pay attention. Ignoring it can lead to burnout, poor self-esteem, and career stagnation. 

You deserve a meaningful career aligned with your talents and purpose. If you want help, my Career Clarity Accelerator program is a 12-week 1:1 career development program designed to clarify your unique skills, accelerate your job search, and increase your salary by five figures. Schedule a free 30-minute clarity call to see if this program is a good fit for you right now!