Timing Isn't Everything: Take Control of Your Career Journey Today

Here’s something I’ve noticed as a career coach: people often feel like they have to wait for the "perfect time" to start a job search or pursue a new career goal.

This is especially true this time of year, as we enter the holiday season. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard someone say something like, "I'm just going to wait until the new year.”

This "wait until" phenomenon (as I like to call it) is costing a lot of people the opportunity to make more impact and income – two very important things that should never be put on hold!

Two Real Life Examples 

I recently had conversations with two different individuals who are struggling with this, and I want to share their stories with you. The first individual is looking to get into a higher-level managerial role within their organization. I asked them, “In terms of this goal, what do you think your next step should be?” and this is what they told me:

“Well, I have to wait until my manager retires, which will probably be two to five more years.”

The other person I spoke to was already in a leadership role (a very high-performing leadership role) and they wanted to advance into a Senior VP role. When I asked them about their next steps, they told me they wanted to wait for a more "convenient" time to make this move; maybe three or more years down the line.

These are two very capable and worthy individuals who both feel like they’re not quite ready for the next step in their careers. Let’s explore why they might be feeling this way…

The “Perfect Timing” Fallacy

The core question here is whether waiting is truly necessary. Are we waiting because we genuinely believe we're not ready for the next step, or is this more of a self-imposed limitation? 

The idea of waiting for the "perfect time" for a life change is a fallacy. Perfect circumstances rarely align, especially in our careers! Waiting for the opportune moment might mean waiting indefinitely and in the process, selling yourself short on the type of life and career you deserve.

Rather than waiting for external events, you can take control of your career trajectory. What does that look like in practice?

  • It might look like initiating conversations with your manager about your goals and aspirations. They might not even know you’re interested in a career change!

  • It might look like working with a career coach to develop a strategy that fits into your current busy schedule so you don’t have to “wait until things slow down.”

  • It might look like hiring more support at home (housekeeping, childcare, etc.) so you can shift your priorities to make a career change happen sooner rather than later. 

How Bad Do You Want It?

I think sometimes, feeling like the timing isn’t right is a secondary issue. The real issue might be that you don’t actually want to go down a particular career path. Be honest with yourself and take a moment to consider your excitement level concerning your current career goals.

Are you wanting to go down this path because it feels like a natural next step for your career? Or do you really and truly feel aligned with this pivot? Doing some reflection and soul-searching will help you determine your true ambitions.

I’ve worked with many clients who get to a point where they feel like something needs to change and through conversation and exploration, we discover that the next logical step in their career path isn’t the step they actually want to take. And that’s totally okay!

In those cases, we can explore how and where you want to make an impact so we can find something that aligns better. Then, we’ll build a roadmap to get you there. You are never “locked into” a career. If you’re feeling hesitation, it’s worth exploring your feelings more deeply.

Take Control of Your Career Journey

In conclusion, the "wait until" mentality is one that will likely hinder your career progression. Don't let external factors dictate your trajectory. Assess your readiness, challenge your assumptions, and take proactive steps toward your goals. Quit waiting until the timing is “perfect” and take charge of your career now – whatever that looks like for you!

If you’re considering working with a career coach, I am happy to get on a call with you to talk through your options! You can click here to learn more about my 1:1 coaching program.