5 Causes Of Career Dissatisfaction


It’s all over the news these days: employees are quitting their jobs in record numbers. The coronavirus pandemic was a real wake up call for a lot of people, and I personally believe we’ll be seeing the reverberations from it for years to come. In fact, according to one study, 1 in 4 workers say they are considering leaving their job post-pandemic.

It might be obvious, but this kind of exodus is bad for business. In fact, the cost of unhappy workers in the United States is estimated to be between $450 and $500 billion each year. It’s time for employers to put a lot more of their energy into retaining team members, and not just in the same old ways they used to. It’s time to listen, learn, and make actual change.

So, let’s look at the five biggest causes of career dissatisfaction that we’re seeing right now:

#1 - No Work/Life Balance

Here’s the one that I've been hearing more and more in the last five years or so. As everything moves onto cloud-based digital platforms, employees are expected to jump in anytime problems arise, even if it’s well outside of normal working hours.

In addition, many people experienced the pros and cons that come with remote work over the last few years. While a lot of employees want to stay remote (this is actually one of the big reasons 1 in 4 people are leaving their jobs right now), many are realizing that the “always on” aspect of remote work can really take a toll on mental health.

#2 - Issues With a Boss or Colleague

This is nothing new; people have been having interpersonal issues with bosses and colleagues since the industrial revolution. But unfortunately, that doesn’t make it any easier to cope with if or when it happens to you.

I know you’ve heard this before, but I just have to make sure I say it here: if you decide to leave your job because of issues with a boss or colleague, never bad mouth that person in future interviews. You just never know who is connected to whom, and on top of that, it’s unprofessional. Simply move on and address it at a high level if you’re asked about it.

#3 - Stagnant Growth

This is probably my favorite reason for someone to decide to leave a job. You deserve to have opportunities to grow and expand your skills. This isn’t the 20th century where longevity was valued above everything else. It is totally acceptable to leave a job for a better opportunity if you aren’t given the room and freedom to grow in your current role.

Some people feel bad for leaving an otherwise good organization for this reason, but if asked, I’m sure your employer would want to see you growing and thriving rather than being held back by a role that isn’t going to go anywhere. Don’t feel bad; you have to look out for you!

#4 - Salary and Benefits

Employment is not a relationship, it’s a business transaction. You, as the employee, are essentially signing a contract to do a specific set of tasks for a certain amount of compensation. If, over the months or years, you’ve taken on more tasks, developed more skills, or have otherwise outgrown your salary, it’s time to ask for a raise or find a new job that will pay more.

According to a study done by Legal Jobs in 2021, “43% of people would leave their current job for a 10% salary increase.” I found this very interesting and I’m glad that so many people understand that getting paid what you’re worth is an important factor in deciding whether or not to stay in a role.

#5 - Company Culture & Values

Did you know that 62% of full-time American employees are willing to take a pay cut to work for a company with a mission they believe in? That should tell you how important culture and values are!

Over the past few years, there has been an increased emphasis on equality and diversity, which has impacted our perception of various organizations out there. Many people have been disappointed by how their company reacted to the changing culture and have decided to part ways because of it.

If you’re considering leaving an organization for any of these reasons, I would love to hear about it. Please leave me a comment below and let me know about your experience!