The Power of Strength Assessments: Strengthen your Career Mind

Do you find it’s difficult to talk about your strengths when asked? If so, you’re not alone. This is a VERY common issue people have during a job search. For some, it’s an ego thing. It can be hard to brag about your accomplishments and strong suits, especially under pressure. For others, it’s more about just feeling a general fuzziness on how to present these assets in a way that sounds cohesive and detail-oriented.

You’re highly skilled and educated, but you don’t know how to speak about your skill set in a way that attracts or entices employers. 

As a career coach, when I come across people who are stuck like this, I like to do a strength assessment as a starting point. This is a great way to help people feel refocused.

Instead of simply saying, “I am a good relationship builder” and “I am a strong leader” (like many people do on a resume or in a job interview), you are able to talk about your specific skillsets using language that shows that you understand yourself well. This kind of language also communicates to the interviewer the actual value that you bring to the table.

What Does a Strength Assessment Look Like?

There are many different strength assessments out there, and each one is good for a specific purpose. For example, the Myers Briggs test is a great one for determining your personality type, but it probably won’t give you the kind of insight you need to nail that job interview.

The strength assessment that I like to do with my clients has more targeted questions about your skills, such as:

  • What are you doing when you are recognized for being exceptional?

  • On a scale of 1-5, how well are you able to assess your or others’ work?

  • What parts of your current or last job are/were most enjoyable to you?

The goal of a strength assessment shouldn’t just be to identify your interests or dominant personality trait. It’s a tool that is carefully designed to help you position yourself well in the job market and ultimately, help you land the job you want at the salary you deserve. 

How Are Strength Assessments Useful?

Companies hire because of their needs. This is true for all jobs — from an entry-level administration position all the way up to the CEO. When you are applying for a role, the question you want to answer for the employer is, “why should you hire me over someone else?”

Knowing how to position yourself (based on your strengths) is an important part of answering this question. The truth is, you can’t be all things to all employers, so you need to figure out what sets you apart and really highlight that. Help them see what life would be like if you were in the role and the organization.

Going through a strength assessment before you write your cover letter or walk into the interview room is extremely useful because you will have new language and a renewed sense of confidence in your value that will help you talk about yourself. 

Need Help Finding and Communicating Your Strengths?

When it comes to a job search, a lot of elements are outside of our control. But preparation isn’t one of them. Knowing your strengths and being prepared to speak to them is one of the key ways you can prepare yourself to apply for a new role or walk into an interview with confidence.

When you are able to get “unstuck” and find clarity about the actual strengths you bring to the table, you can better articulate your professional value proposition through the language you use. This leads to more job offers, higher salaries, more autonomy, and so on. If you’re struggling in this area, we would love to help! Contact us and let’s chat about some next steps!