Navigating the Issue of Vaccine Requirements During a Job Search

To say we are experiencing some big changes in the workforce these days is a pretty big understatement. With COVID-19 still impacting public health in a significant way, there has been a lot of talk about mandating vaccinations in certain industries and under certain circumstances. There reasons for the mandates vary, but the one thing that remains constant is the emotional response that’s happening on both sides of the issue.

Recently, Biden passed an executive order that will require companies with more than 100 workers to mandate vaccinations or conduct weekly testing for unvaccinated employees. Some employers were already doing this on their own as a way to ensure consistent productivity levels, especially in factory settings where having a lot of people out at the same time would have a fairly significant impact.

If you’re currently looking for a new job, or you will be in the near future, this change might leave you with a lot of questions, like:

  • Should I post my vaccination status on LinkedIn so that recruiters and hiring managers know where I stand?

  • If I’m asked about my vaccination status in a job interview, will my honest answer impact their hiring decision?

  • If I do provide them with my vaccination status during the interview, where is that information recorded?

  • Will the recruiter or hiring manager share this information with anyone else who wasn’t present during the interview?

  • What happens to this information if I’m not hired, since they should have no right to the information anymore?

If you take a look at the job boards right now, you will notice that a lot more listings are clearly listing their vaccination requirements (or lack thereof) upfront. This makes it easy for applicants to know where the company stands, and they can then make a decision about whether or not to pursue the opportunity. If a vaccination requirement is a deal breaker for you, this is great because you can make sure you aren’t wasting yours or the company’s time by applying.

But what if nothing is stated? When should you disclose your vaccination status or ask about their vaccination policy? As a career coach, here are my personal recommendations:

Do Your Research

Before you apply for any job or reach out to speak with anyone associated with the company, do your research. Find out if the company has issued a statement or posted anything on their social media channels about their thoughts on vaccinations. Most companies are taking some kind of public stance on this issue, so you should be able to find some information that indicates how they feel about mandatory vaccinations for their employees.

Get Clear on Your Stance

What are your non-negotiables as you apply for a new role? For example, are you only interested in remote work during COVID-19? If the work is non-remote, are you okay working for a company that doesn’t enforce vaccinations or do any kind of routine testing? If you are someone who does not want to get vaccinated and the company requires weekly testing, is that something that you’re going to be okay with?

Keep it Off LinkedIn and Your Resume

I’ve read some opposing views on this from other career coaches, but I just don’t think you want to limit yourself by putting your vaccination status on LinkedIn or on your resume. Recruiters and hiring managers should ideally be neutral about vaccination status, but this has become such a political issue and they are only human. I think it’s better to avoid potentially influencing them by offering this information until you are asked directly.

Be Honest

That said, I believe you need to be honest about your vaccination status if and when they ask you. After all, they might be asking you because you’re going to be working with vulnerable populations or doing a lot of travel and they want to know if you are vaccinated or if you plan on being vaccinated. Again, there may be a testing option to get around it, but I just don’t want you to lie or try to skirt the issue, and definitely don’t get political or heated about it. I also believe in the don’t ask, don’t tell policy. If a potential employer has not asked you, don’t offer that information until the time is right.

Know Your Rights

If asked to share your vaccination status as part of a job search, it is okay to ask how the information will be stored and shared. The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) does state that recruiters and hiring managers can ask about your vaccination status, but they should not ask follow-up questions. Also, any documentation you provide to prove your vaccination status must be kept confidential, as it is considered medical information.

Do you have questions about how to navigate these kinds of questions and issues during the job search process. Feel free to reach out to me or drop a comment below!