Signs it May be Time to Shift Gears in Your Career

Can you relate to any of these feelings?

  • You worked hard to get to the level you’re at in your career, but instead of feeling proud and accomplished, you just feel bored.

  • You wonder if it’s too late to switch fields entirely because you find yourself daydreaming about different careers all the time.

  • You wish the work you did was more fulfilling because you spend way too much time sitting at your desk shuffling papers around.

  • Your industry has changed so much that it’s no longer the same as when you started and you have fallen out of love with it.

If any of these ring true for you, you’ve probably already been thinking (and maybe strategizing) about how to shift gears in your career. But, there might also be some more subtle signs that you’re burned out, tapped out, or worn out in regards to your career. Let’s explore some of them:

A Case of the Sunday Scaries

Do you start to hit an emotional wall once Sunday afternoon rolls around? If you’ve never heard the term “Sunday Scaries” before, I urge you to read this helpful article from Talkspace. Even if it feels normal for you, I promise that feeling anxiety about the start of a new work week doesn’t have to be your truth.

All too often, we think about the “best” career as the one that has the most perks or the highest salary. What we need to do instead is normalize feeling energized or even just at peace with our careers. I know I’d rather have a job that doesn’t make me feel dread and anxiety over one that pays an extra $20k per year… wouldn’t you?

You’re Starting to Think About Your Legacy

At some point in our lives, we start to think about the legacy we’re going to leave behind when we retire. It comes at a different time for all of us, but usually it happens around age 40. By then, we’ve usually attended enough retirement parties for colleagues and family members and we’ve heard their lists of accomplishments read out loud and maybe we’ve felt humbled by their impact. 

If your work doesn’t feel particularly meaningful or important to you, you might have started to wonder if it’s time to make a change. It’s never too late to start down a new path. Just because you’re halfway to retirement doesn’t mean you can’t pivot. Start building a legacy you can be proud of today!

You’re Thinking of Taking a Big Leap into the Unknown

Do you find yourself daydreaming about becoming your own boss? Have you fantasized about buying a business? Are you dreaming about retirement… even if it’s still pretty far off in the horizon for you? Do you constantly google job listings only to close out all the tabs? 

If you’re thinking of taking a big leap into unknown territory, even if you’re still in the daydreaming phase, it’s a pretty good indicator that you’re unhappy with your current situation. Whether you decide to do something drastic or just take it as a sign to find a more fulfilling career, the time to leap is now!

You’ve Noticed Changes to Your Health

This might feel extreme, but I promise you, it’s very normal to notice changes to your health when you are highly dissatisfied with your job. Whether it’s stress-related issues like insomnia or frequent colds or it’s mental health issues like depression or excessive alcohol consumption, our bodies are pretty good at waving the red flag. We just have to take notice! 

Check in with yourself and be honest. Are you having any health issues that could be traced back to your work situation? If so, this is a great indicator that something needs to change sooner rather than later.

“The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle.” — Steve Jobs

I know that many people think now is an impossible time to shift careers, but I’m here to tell you that’s not true! There are plenty of companies that are hiring right now, and believe it or not, they’re still offering competitive pay and impressive benefits. It might take a little longer and there may be more competition for the role, but it’s certainly not impossible. I’ve seen it happen to many, many people since COVID struck. 

If you want some targeted help to land a different career, come join my Thrive Coaching Program! Thrive is an intimate, small group career coaching experience for mid- to senior-level corporate professionals who want to make a career transition in the next 3 to 9 months!